Photo by Gresham Cash

Christina Joy Littleton

Christina (b. 1992) has been living, drawing, dancing, and painting in Athens, GA for over a decade, splitting time between creating art in her home studio and working at the K. A. Artist Shop downtown. Inspired by our singular and collective movements in this world, her works represent elements of challenge and resilience. From precise, monochrome palettes of ink on paper to vibrant, playful spectrums of color on canvas, she is versatile in medium, utilizing various methods to channel life experiences both tragic and beautiful.

Having graduated from the University of Georgia in 2016 with a BA in French, she has an affinity for language and how we all connect in this world. A huge part of her story is her struggle with chronic illness, which began as a teenager and only recently lead to the diagnosis of a genetic condition called Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome in 2021. She is currently organizing the 2nd Annual Together We Dazzle Art Show + Benefit that will continue to overlap her passions of bringing people together through art and sharing the story of her diagnosis.

Photo by Gresham Cash